January, 2014

Thanks for the Memories

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

For over a decade we have thoroughly enjoyed organizing exhibitions, receiving artists and the public in our Gallery, but now we feel the time has come to travel the world and close the door behind us.

We like to express our gratitude to all the painters, sculptors, musicians, actors, dancers, writers and the general public from all over the world for that wonderful cross pollination of art we have experienced over the years.
We shall cherish it always.
The door may be closed, but we shall keep the window of our web site open to keep the soul alive in archives and communications.Right now we have to say: Thanks for the memories and good bye!

With kind regards, Emma Jean Brown & Janne Buurman.

Royal Gallery – Amsterdam

www.amsterdamroyalgallery.com – 06-20105650 – info @ amsterdamroyalgallery.com